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Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults policy
Alongside associated procedures in 06.1-06.10 Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, this policy was adopted by Shenley Church End Pre School on 01/02/2023
Designated person/lead for safeguarding is: Gemma Edwards , Jodie O'Grady and our chair Clare Murrey
Designated officer is: Jodie O'Grady
We are committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults and will do this by putting young people and vulnerable adult’s right to be ‘strong, resilient and listened to ‘at the heart of all our activities.
Shenley Church End Pre School ‘three key commitments are broad statements against which policies and procedures across the organisation will be drawn to provide a consistent and coherent strategy for safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults in all services provided. The three key commitments are:
Shenley Church End Pre School is committed to building ‘a culture of safety’ in which children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected from abuse and harm in all areas of its service delivery. is committed to responding promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns of abuse that may occur and to work with statutory agencies in accordance with the procedures that are set down in ‘What to do if you are worried a child is being abused’ (HMG 2015) and ‘No Secrets (updated by the Care Act 2014) and Working Together 2018.
Shenley Church End Pre School is committed to promoting awareness of child abuse issues throughout its training and learning programmes for adults. It is also committed to empowering children, young people, and vulnerable adults, through its curriculum, promoting their right to be ‘strong, resilient and listened to’.
NB: A ‘young person’ is defined as 16–19-year-old. In an early years setting, they may be a student, worker, or parent.
A ‘vulnerable adult’ (see guidance to the Care Act 2014) as: 'a person aged 18 years or over, who is in receipt of or may need community care services by reason of 'mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation'. In early years, this person may be a service user, parent of a service user, or a volunteer.
Key Commitment 1
We have a ‘designated person’, sometimes known as the designated lead for safeguarding, who is responsible for carrying out child, young person, or adult protection procedures. We have assigned both manager and deputy with this role so in each others absence nothing gets missed.
The designated person reports to a ‘designated officer’ responsible for overseeing all child, young person or adult protection matters.
The ‘designated person’ and the ‘designated officer’ ensure they have links with statutory and voluntary organisations regarding safeguarding children.
The ‘designated person’ and the ‘designated officer’ ensure they have received appropriate training on child protection matters and that all staff are adequately informed and/or trained to recognise possible child abuse in the categories of physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect.
The ‘designated person’ and the ‘designated officer’ ensure all staff are aware of the additional vulnerabilities that affect children that arise from inequalities of race, gender, disability, language, religion, sexual orientation or culture and that these receive full consideration in child, young person or adult protection related matters.
The ‘designated person’ and the ‘designated officer’ ensure that staff are aware and receive training in social factors affecting children’s vulnerability including
social exclusion
domestic violence and controlling or coercive behaviour
mental Illness
drug and alcohol abuse (substance misuse)
parental learning disability
The ‘designated person’ and the ‘designated officer’ ensure that staff are aware and receive training in other ways that children may suffer significant harm and stay up to date with relevant contextual safeguarding matters:
abuse of disabled children
fabricated or induced illness
child abuse linked to spirit possession
sexually exploited children
children who are trafficked and/or exploited
female genital mutilation
extra-familial abuse and threats
children involved in violent offending, with gangs and county lines.
The ‘designated person’ and the ‘designated officer’ ensure they are adequately informed in vulnerable adult protection matters.
Key Commitment 2
There are procedures in place to prevent known abusers from coming into the organisation as employees or volunteers at any level.
Safeguarding is the responsibility of every person undertaking the work of the organisation in any capacity.
There are procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against a member of staff, or any other person undertaking work whether paid or unpaid for the organisation, where there is an allegation of abuse or harm of a child. Procedures differentiate clearly between an allegation, a concern about quality of care or practice and complaints.
There are procedures in place for reporting possible abuse of children or a young person in the setting.
There are procedures in place for reporting safeguarding concerns where a child may meet the s17 definition of a child in need (Children Act 1989) and/or where a child may be at risk of significant harm, and to enable staff to make decisions about appropriate referrals using local published threshold documents.
There are procedures in place to ensure staff recognise children and families who may benefit from early help and can respond appropriately using local early help processes and Designated persons should ensure all staff understand how to identify and respond to families who may need early help.
There are procedures in place for reporting possible abuse of a vulnerable adult in the setting.
There are procedures in place in relation to escalating concerns and professional challenge.
There are procedures in place for working in partnership with agencies involving a child, or young person or vulnerable adult, for whom there is a protection plan in place. These procedures also take account of working with families with a ‘child in need’ and with families in need of early help, who are affected by issues of vulnerability such as social exclusion, radicalisation, domestic violence, mental illness, substance misuse and parental learning disability.
These procedures take account of diversity and inclusion issues to promote equal treatment of children and their families and that take account of factors that affect children that arise from inequalities of race, gender, disability, language, religion, sexual orientation, or culture.
There are procedures in place for record keeping, confidentiality and information sharing, which are in line with data protection requirements.
We follow government and Local Safeguarding Partners guidance in relation to extremism.
The procedures of the Local Safeguarding Partners must be followed.
Key Commitment 3
All staff receive adequate training in child protection matters and have access to the setting’s policy and procedures for reporting concerns of possible abuse and the safeguarding procedures of the Local Safeguarding Partners.
All staff have adequate information on issues affecting vulnerability in families such as social exclusion, domestic violence, mental illness, substance misuse and parental learning disability, together with training that takes account of factors that affect children that arise from inequalities of race, gender, disability, language, religion, sexual orientation, or culture.
We use available curriculum materials for young children, taking account of information in the Early Years Foundation Stage, that enable children to be strong, resilient, and listened to.
All services seek to build the emotional and social skills of children and young people who are service users in an age-appropriate way, including increasing their understanding of how to stay safe.
We adhere to the EYFS Safeguarding and Welfare requirements.
Safeguarding roles
All staff recognise and know how to respond to signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is suffering from or likely to be suffering from harm. They understand that they have a responsibility to act immediately by discussing their concerns with the designated person or a named back-up designated person.
The manager and deputy are the designated person and back-up designated person, responsible for co-ordinating action taken by the setting to safeguard vulnerable children and adults.
All concerns about the welfare of children in the setting should be reported to the designated person or the back-up designated person.
The designated person ensures that all educators are alert to the indicators of abuse and neglect and understand how to identify and respond to these.
The setting should not operate without an identified designated person at any time.
The line manager of the designated person is the designated officer.
The designated person informs the designated officer about serious concerns as soon as they arise and agree the action to be taken, seeking further clarification if there are any doubts that the issue is safeguarding.
If it is not possible to contact the designated officer, action to safeguard the child is taken first and the designated officer is informed later. If the designated officer is unavailable advice is sought from their line manager or equivalent.
Issues which may require notifying to Ofsted are notified to the designated officer to make a decision regarding notification. The designated person must remain up to date with Ofsted reporting and notification requirements.
If there is an incident, which may require reporting to RIDDOR the designated officer immediately seeks guidance from the owners/directors/trustees. There continues to be a requirement that the designated officer follows legislative requirements in relation to reporting to RIDDOR. This is fully addressed in section 01 Health and Safety procedures.
All settings follow procedures of their Local Safeguarding Partners (LSP) for safeguarding and any specific safeguarding procedures such as responding to radicalisation/extremism concerns. Procedures are followed for managing allegations against staff, as well as for responding to concerns and complaints raised about quality or practice issues, whistle-blowing and escalation.
Responding to marks or injuries observed
If a member of staff observes or is informed by a parent/carer of a mark or injury to a child that happened at home or elsewhere, the member of staff makes a record of the information given to them by the parent/carer in the child’s personal file, which is signed by the parent/carer.
The member of staff advises the designated person as soon as possible if there are safeguarding concerns about the circumstance of the injury.
If there are concerns about the circumstances or explanation given, by the parent/carer and/or child, the designated person decides the course of action to be taken after reviewing 06.1a Child welfare and protection summary and completing 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form.
If the mark or injury is noticed later in the day and the parent is not present, this is raised with the designated person.
If there are concerns about the nature of the injury, and it is unlikely to have occurred at the setting, the designated person decides the course of action required and 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form is completed as above, taking into consideration any explanation given by the child.
If there is a likelihood that the injury is recent and occurred at the setting, this is raised with the designated person.
If there is no cause for further concern, a record is made in the Accident Record, with a note that the circumstances of the injury are not known.
If the injury is unlikely to have occurred at the setting, this is raised with the designated person
The parent/carer is advised at the earliest opportunity.
If the parent believes that the injury was caused at the setting this is still recorded in the Accident Record and an accurate record made of the discussion is made on the child’s personal file.
Responding to the signs and symptoms of abuse
Concerns about the welfare of a child are discussed with the designated person without delay.
A written record is made of the concern on 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form as soon as possible.
Concerns that a child is in immediate danger or at risk of significant harm are responded to immediately and if a referral is necessary this is made on the same working day.
Responding to a disclosure by a child
When responding to a disclosure from a child, the aim is to get just enough information to take appropriate action.
The educator listens carefully and calmly, allowing the child time to express what they want to say.
Staff do not attempt to question the child but if they are not sure what the child said, or what they meant, they may prompt the child further by saying ‘tell me more about that’ or ‘show me again’.
After the initial disclosure, staff speak immediately to the designated person. They do not further question or attempt to interview a child.
If a child shows visible signs of abuse such as bruising or injury to any part of the body and it is age appropriate to do so, the key person will ask the child how it happened.
When recording a child’s disclosure on 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form, their exact words are used as well as the exact words with which the member of staff responded.
If marks or injuries are observed, these are recorded on a body diagram.
Decision making (all categories of abuse)
The designated person makes a professional judgement about referring to other agencies, including Social Care using the Local Safeguarding Partnership (LSP) threshold document:
Level 1: Child’s needs are being met. Universal support.
Level 2: Universal Plus. Additional professional support is needed to meet child’s needs.
Level 3: Universal Partnership Plus. Targeted Early Help. Coordinated response needed to address multiple or complex problems.
Level 4: Specialist/Statutory intervention required. Children in acute need, likely to be experiencing, or at risk of experiencing significant harm.
Staff are alert to indicators that a family may benefit from early help services and should discuss this with the designated person, also completing 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form if they have not already done so.
Seeking consent from parents/carers to share information before making a referral for early help (Tier 2/3*)
Parents are made aware of the setting’s Privacy Notice which explains the circumstances under which information about their child will be shared with other agencies. When a referral for early help is necessary, the designated person must always seek consent from the child’s parents to share information with the relevant agency.
If consent is sought and withheld and there are concerns that a child may become at risk of significant harm without early intervention, there may be sufficient grounds to over-ride a parental decision to withhold consent.
If a parent withholds consent, this information is included on any referral that is made to the local authority. In these circumstances a parent should still be told that the referral is being made beforehand (unless to do so may place a child at risk of harm).
*Tier 2: Children with additional needs, who may be vulnerable and showing early signs of abuse and/or neglect; their needs are not clear, not known or not being met. Tier 3: Children with complex multiple needs, requiring specialist services in order to achieve or maintain a satisfactory level of health or development or to prevent significant impairment of their health and development and/or who are disabled.
Informing parents when making a child protection referral
In most circumstances consent will not be required to make a child protection referral, because even if consent is refused, there is still a professional duty to act upon concerns and make a referral. When a child protection referral has been made, the designated person contacts the parents (only if agreed with social care) to inform them that a referral has been made, indicating the concerns that have been raised, unless social care advises that the parent should not be contacted until such time as their investigation, or the police investigation, is concluded. Parents are not informed prior to making a referral if:
there is a possibility that a child may be put at risk of harm by discussion with a parent/carer, or if a serious offence may have been committed, as it is important that any potential police investigation is not jeopardised
there are potential concerns about sexual abuse, fabricated illness, FGM or forced marriage
contacting the parent puts another person at risk; situations where one parent may be at risk of harm, e.g. abuse; situations where it has not been possible to contact parents to seek their consent may cause delay to the referral being made
The designated person makes a professional judgment regarding whether consent (from a parent) should be sought before making a child protection referral as described above. They record their decision about informing or not informing parents along with an explanation for this decision. Advice will be sought from the appropriate children’s social work team if there is any doubt. Advice can also be sought from the designated officer.
The designated person or back-up follows their LSP procedures for making a referral.
If the designated person or their back-up is not on site, the most senior member of staff present takes responsibility for making the referral to social care.
If a child is believed to be in immediate danger, or an incident occurs at the end of the session and staff are concerned about the child going home that day, then the Police and/or social care are contacted immediately.
If the child is ‘safe’ because they are still in the setting, and there is time to do so, the senior member of staff contacts the setting’s designated officer for support.
Arrangements for cover (as above) when the designated person and back-up designated person are not on-site are agreed in advance by the setting manager and clearly communicated to all staff.
Further recording
Information is recorded using 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form, and a short summary entered on 06.1a Child welfare and protection summary. Discussion with parents and any further discussion with social care is recorded. If recording a conversation with parents that is significant, regarding the incident or a related issue, parents are asked to sign and date it a record of the conversation. It should be clearly recorded what action was taken, what the outcome was and any follow-up.
If a referral was made, copies of all documents are kept and stored securely and confidentially (including copies in the child’s safeguarding file.
Each member of staff/volunteer who has witnessed an incident or disclosure should also make a written statement on 06.1b Safeguarding incident reporting form, as above.
The referral is recorded on 06.1a Child welfare and protection summary.
Follow up phone calls to or from social care are recorded in the child’s file; with date, time, the name of the social care worker and what was said.
Safeguarding records are kept up to date and made available for confidential access by the designated officer to allow continuity of support during closures or holiday periods.
Reporting a serious child protection incident using 06.1c Confidential safeguarding incident report form
The designated person is responsible for reporting to the designated officer and seeking advice if required prior to making a referral as described above.
For child protection concerns at Tier 3 and 4** it will be necessary for the designated person to complete 06.1c Confidential safeguarding incident report form and send it to the designated officer.
Further briefings are sent to the designated officer when updates are received until the issue is concluded.
** Tier 3: Children with complex multiple needs, requiring specialist services in order to achieve or maintain a satisfactory level of health or development or to prevent significant impairment of their health and development and/or who are disabled. Tier 4: Children in acute need, who are suffering or are likely to suffer significant harm.
Professional disagreement/escalation process
If an educator disagrees with a decision made by the designated person not to make a referral to social care they must initially discuss and try to resolve it with them.
If the disagreement cannot be resolved with the designated person and the educator continues to feel a safeguarding referral is required then they discuss this with the designated officer.
If issues cannot be resolved the whistle-blowing policy should be used, as set out below.
Supervision sessions are also used to discuss concerns but this must not delay making safeguarding referrals.
The whistle blowing procedure must be followed in the first instance if:
a criminal offence has been committed, is being committed or is likely to be committed
a person has failed, is failing or is likely to fail to comply with any legal obligation to which he or she is subject. This includes non-compliance with policies and procedures, breaches of EYFS and/or registration requirements
a miscarriage of justice has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur
the health and safety of any individual has been, is being or is likely to be endangered
the working environment has been, is being or is likely to be damaged;
that information tending to show any matter falling within any one of the preceding clauses has been, is being or is likely to be deliberately concealed
There are 3 stages to raising concerns as follows:
If staff wish to raise or discuss any issues which might fall into the above categories, they should normally raise this issue with their manager/Designated Person.
Staff who are unable to raise the issue with their manager/Designated Person should raise the issue with their line manager’s manager/Designated Officer.
If staff are still concerned after the investigation, or the matter is so serious that they cannot discuss it with a line manager, they should raise the matter with [insert name and contact details of most senior person].
Ultimately, if an issue cannot be resolved and the member of staff believes a child remains at risk because the setting or the local authority have not responded appropriately, the NSPCC have introduced a whistle-blowing helpline 0800 028 0285 for professionals who believe that:
their own or another employer will cover up the concern
they will be treated unfairly by their own employer for complaining
if they have already told their own employer and they have not responded
Female genital mutilation (FGM)
Educators should be alert to symptoms that would indicate that FGM has occurred, or may be about to occur, and take appropriate safeguarding action. Designated persons should contact the police immediately as well as refer to children’s services local authority social work if they believe that FGM may be about to occur.
It is illegal to undertake FGM or to assist anyone to enable them to practice FGM under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003, it is an offence for a UK national or permanent UK resident to perform FGM in the UK or overseas. The practice is medically unnecessary and poses serious health risks to girls. FGM is mostly carried out on girls between the ages of 0-15, statistics indicate that in half of countries who practise FGM girls were cut before the age of 5. LSCB guidance must be followed in relation to FGM, and the designated person is informed regarding specific risks relating to the culture and ethnicity of children who may be attending their setting and shares this knowledge with staff.
Symptoms of FGM in very young girls may include difficulty walking, sitting or standing; painful urination and/or urinary tract infection; urinary retention; evidence of surgery; changes to nappy changing or toileting routines; injury to adjacent tissues; spends longer than normal in the bathroom or toilet; unusual and /or changed behaviour after an absence from the setting (including increased anxiety around adults or unwillingness to talk about home experiences or family holidays); parents are reluctant to allow child to undergo normal medical examinations; if an older sibling has undergone the procedure a younger sibling may be at risk; discussion about plans for an extended family holiday
Further guidance
NSPCC 24-hour FGM helpline: 0800 028 3550 or email fgmhelp@nspcc.org.uk
Government help and advice: www.gov.uk/female-genital-mutilation
Children and young people vulnerable to extremism or radicalisation
Early years settings, schools and local authorities have a duty to identify and respond appropriately to concerns of any child or adult at risk of being drawn into terrorism. LSP’s have procedures which cover how professionals should respond to concerns that children or young people may be at risk of being influenced by or being made vulnerable by the risks of extremism.
There are potential safeguarding implications for children and young people who have close or extended family or friendship networks linked to involvement in extremism or terrorism.
The designated person is required to familiarise themselves with LSP procedures, as well as online guidance including:
Channel Duty guidance: Protecting people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism www.gov.uk/government/publications/channel-and-prevent-multi-agency-panel-pmap-guidance
Prevent Strategy (HMG 2011) www.gov.uk/government/publications/prevent-strategy-2011
The prevent duty: for schools and childcare providers www.gov.uk/government/publications/protecting-children-from-radicalisation-the-prevent-duty
The designated person should follow LSP guidance in relation to how to respond to concerns regarding extremism and ensure that staff know how to identify and raise any concerns in relation to this with them.
The designated person must know how to refer concerns about risks of extremism/radicalisation to their LSP safeguarding team or the Channel panel, as appropriate.
The designated person should also ensure that they and all other staff working with children and young people understand how to recognise that someone may be at risk of violent extremism.
The designated person also ensures that all staff complete The Prevent Duty in an Early Years Environment and Understanding Children’s Rights and Equality and Inclusion in Early Years Settings online EduCare courses.
If available in the area, the designated person should complete WRAP (or equivalent) training and support staff to access the training as offered by local authorities. WRAP training covers local arrangements for dealing with concerns that a child may be at risk of extremism and/or radicalisation.
The designated person should understand the perceived terrorism risks in relation to the area that they deliver services in.
Parental consent for radicalisation referrals
LSP procedures are followed in relation to whether parental consent is necessary prior to making a referral about a concern that a child or adult may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism. It is good practice to seek the consent of the person, or for very young children, the consent of their parent/carer prior to making a referral, but it is not a requirement to seek consent before referring a concern regarding possible involvement in extremism or terrorism if it may put a child at risk, or if an offence may have been or may be committed. Advice should be sought from line managers and local agencies responsible for safeguarding, as to whether or not consent should be sought on a case-by-case basis. Designated persons should be mindful that discussion regarding potential referral due to concerns may be upsetting for the subject of the referral and their family. Initial advice regarding whether an incident meets a threshold for referral can be sought from the relevant local agency without specific details such as names of the family being given in certain circumstances.
Consent is required prior to any individual engaging with a Channel intervention. Consent is usually sought by Channel partners, but LSP procedures should be followed regarding this.
If there is a concern that a person is already involved in terrorist activity this must be reported to the Anti-Terrorist Hot Line 0800 789 321-Text/phone 0800 0324 539. Police can be contacted on 101.
Concerns about children affected by gang activity/serious youth violence
Educators should be aware that children can be put at risk by gang activity, both through participation in and as victims of gang violence. Whilst very young children will be very unlikely to become involved in gang activity they may potentially be put at risk by the involvement of others in their household in gangs, such as an adult sibling or a parent/carer. Designated persons should be familiar with their LSP guidance and procedures in relation to safeguarding children affected by gang activity and ensure this is followed where relevant.
Forced marriage/Honour based violence
Forced marriage is a marriage in which one or both spouses do not consent to the marriage but are forced into it. Duress can include physical, psychological, financial, sexual and emotional pressure. In the cases of some vulnerable adults who lack the capacity to consent coercion is not required for a marriage to be forced. A forced marriage is distinct from an arranged marriage. An arranged marriage may have family involvement in arranging the marriages, but crucially the choice of whether to accept the arrangement remains with the prospective spouses.
Forced marriage became criminalised in 2014. There are also civil powers for example a Forced Marriage Protection Order to protect both children and adults at risk of forced marriage and offers protection for those who have already been forced into marriage.
Risks in relation to forced marriage are high and it is important that educators ensure that anyone at risk of forced marriage is not put in further danger. If someone is believed to be at risk it is helpful to get as much practical information as possible, bearing in mind the need for absolute discretion, information that can be helpful will include things likes, names, addresses, passport numbers, national insurance numbers, details of travel arrangements, dates and location of any proposed wedding, names and dates of birth of prospective spouses, details of where and with whom they may be staying etc. Forced marriage can be linked to honour-based violence, which includes assault, imprisonment and murder. Honour based violence can be used to punish an individual for undermining what the family or community believes to be the correct code of behaviour.
In an emergency police should be contacted on 999.
Forced Marriage Unit can be contacted either by professionals or by potential victims seeking advice in relation to their concerns. The contact details are below.
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7008 0151
Email: fmu@fco.gov.uk
Email for outreach work: fmuoutreach@fco.gov.uk
Further guidance
Accident Record (Early Years Alliance 2019)
Multi-agency practice guidelines: Handling cases of Forced Marriage (HMG 2014) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/322307/HMG_MULTI_AGENCY_PRACTICE_GUIDELINES_v1_180614_FINAL.pdf
Section 5.0 Safeguarding children
Shenley Church End Pre-school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. It is a requirement of all staff that they share this commitment and follow the prescribed Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults policy and procedures to continuously promote a culture of safeguarding across the whole organisation.
Checks on staff suitability
Checks undertaken by the early years setting will include:
an explanation from you for any gaps in your employment
checking you have the appropriate level of qualifications, training, skills and knowledge
ensuring you have sufficient understanding and use of English to ensure the well-being of children in your care
references, with at least one being from your current or most recent employer
a satisfactory enhanced DBS check and subscription to the DBS update service (having a conviction will not automatically prevent you from taking up employment)
a request to obtain a Certificate of Good Conduct or equivalent from the relevant countries, if you have lived abroad in the past five years (excluding UK residents who have worked or travelled abroad, for example, on a gap year, or a person who has travelled extensively but has not remained in any country for sufficient time to establish a history)
proof of essential qualifications
Ofsted approval, where relevant
completion of a medical questionnaire that is satisfactory to the setting
proof of your identity (via the production of documents on an approved list)
proof of the right to work in the UK (via the production of documents on an approved list)
Any false information provided may leave your continued employment at risk.
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) provides a barring and criminal records disclosure service. Its role is to ensure that anyone who presents a known risk to children and vulnerable groups is prevented from working with them. To achieve this, the DBS is responsible for making independent barring decisions. It maintains two constantly updated lists, one for those barred from working with children, the other for those barred from working with vulnerable adults. It is an offence for a person on the DBS children’s barred list to work in a childcare role. It is also an offence for a childcare provider to knowingly employ a barred person in a childcare role. In circumstances where individuals have demonstrated a risk of harm to children or vulnerable adults, childcare employers are legally obliged to refer information about the concerns to the DBS.
DBS Update Service
To ensure we safeguard the children in our care, [name of setting] requires employees to subscribe to the DBS Update Service which has been set up to allow regular checks for new information on employees’ suitability. If you have already subscribed to the service, we require your consent to perform checks as required. If you have not yet subscribed, you will need a new enhanced DBS check, and we require you to subscribe to the DBS Update Service within 30 days of receiving your new certificate. You must maintain this subscription throughout your employment with us.
As subscription to the DBS Update Service is transferable between jobs, you are personally responsible for the cost of subscription. [If you fail to register or maintain your subscription, the cost of any subsequent checks will be deducted from your pay.]
You have an obligation to disclose to the setting if you:
are prohibited from working with children (in accordance with the Childcare Act, the Childcare Disqualification Regulations 2018 (Disqualification Regulations), the Early Years Foundation Stage (Welfare Requirements) Regulations 2012, the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021 or otherwise)
are on the DBS children’s barred list
have been cautioned subject to a court order, bound over, received a reprimand or warning or found guilty of committing any offence against a child
have been cautioned for or convicted of violent or sexual criminal offences whether against children or adults (including, without limitation, offences committed overseas)
are subject to an order made relating to the care of children which prevents them from having unsupervised access (including, without limitation, where an order or child protection plan is made in respect of a child under the person’s care)
have had parental responsibility for a child that has been taken into care
have had Ofsted registration refused or cancelled (except where the sole reason is non-payment of fees) in relation to childcare or children’s homes, or has been disqualified from private fostering
For further guidance, please visit www.gov.uk/government/publications/disqualification-under-the-childcare-act-2006)
Reporting concerns
You have an obligation to report any concerns relating to the health, safety or welfare of children within the early years setting. If you have any concerns, these should be communicated using the line management or whistleblowing arrangements. We have attached guidence on our staff board.
Police investigation, caution or charge
You have an obligation to report any incident, which you are subject to, which leads to a police investigation, caution or charge, which is related to your employment (e.g. a child related offence). If you are uncertain as to whether to report being subject to a police investigation, caution or charge you must speak to your line manager.
Other investigations
If you are involved in any incident which leads to an investigation by a government department or statutory body and which is related to your employment, you have an obligation to report it to the setting. If you are uncertain as to whether to report being subject to an investigation, you must speak to your line manager.
Mobile phone use
You must ensure that you do not have a personal mobile phone in your possession during working hours. Personal mobile phones must be switched on silent and placed in our cupboard lockable tin during working hours, although they can be used outside of the premises during lunch or rest breaks. You may give the setting’s telephone number as an emergency contact.
Where trips are taken outside of the setting (either outings or home visits) and mobile phones are not provided by the setting, employees may use a personal mobile, which is fully charged and switched on for the duration of the trip. This number is recorded in the outings record [and you will be reimbursed for any use associated with the trip accordingly].
Cameras, video phones and tablets
The use of cameras, video phones and tablets in the setting, especially to photograph children in the setting or on trips, is subject to the same restrictions as mobile phones. They may not be used at work for the purpose of photography unless express permission has been granted.
Employees found to be in breach of this policy will be subject to an investigation, which may lead to disciplinary action. Employees who breach this policy could also face criminal prosecution under various laws.
The early years setting will make appropriate arrangements for photographs to be taken when necessary, which ensures that permission is obtained from the parent/carer to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Health Protection for schools, nurseries and other childcare facilities
Visitor or intruder on the premises
The safety and security of the premises is maintained at all time and staff are vigilant in areas that pose a risk, such as shared premises. A risk assessment is completed to ensure that unauthorised visitors cannot gain access.
Visitors with legitimate business - generally a visitor will have made a prior appointment
On arrival, they are asked to verify their identity and confirm who they are visiting.
Staff will ask them to sign in and explain the procedures for the use of mobile phones and emergency evacuation.
Visitors (including visiting VIPs) are never left alone with the children at any time.
Visitors to the setting are monitored and asked to leave immediately should their behaviour give cause for concern.
An intruder is an individual who has not followed visitor procedures and has no legitimate business to be in the setting; he or she may or may not be a hazard to the setting.
An individual who appears to have no business in the setting will be asked for their name and purpose for being there.
The staff member identifies any risk posed by the intruder.
The staff member ensures the individual follows the procedure for visitors.
The setting manager is immediately informed of the incident and takes necessary action to safeguard children.
If there are concerns for the safety of children, staff evacuate them to a safe place in the building and contact police. In some circumstance this could lead to ‘lock-down’ of the setting and will be managed by the responding emergency service (see procedure 01.21 Terrorist threat/attack and lock-down).
The designated person informs their designated officer of the situation at the first opportunity.
In the case of a serious breach where there was a perceived or actual threat to the safety of the children, the manager/designated person completes 06.1c Confidential safeguarding incident report form) and copies in their line manager on the day of the incident. The owners/trustees/directors ensure a robust organisational response and ensure that learning is shared.
Further guidance
Visitors Signing In Record (Alliance 2018)
Risky play: Getting the balance right
In order to address risk, we need to ensure that we prioritise the identification of real and actual hazards. In particular, risky play is hugely important for children. But for many, when we hear the words risky play, our thoughts will often turn towards health and safety before anything else. In some circumstances risk management and the perceived need to remove all risk has stifled children‘s opportunities for risky play that is vital to development. In Ofsted’s Annual Report published in December 2018, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman, said:
While it is a basic expectation of any institution that cares for children to carry out proper risk assessments, some level of risk is an essential part of childhood. Without it, we stifle children’s natural inquisitiveness and their opportunities to learn and develop and deny them those opportunities to build that muscular strength and dexterity. We hope that nurseries and other childcare settings take a common sense approach to managing risk.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) also state:
If you believe some of the stories you hear, health and safety is all about stopping any activity that might possibly lead to harm. This is not our vision of sensible health and safety - we want to save lives, not stop them.
A hazard is anything that may cause harm under certain circumstances, such as chemicals, electricity, working with ladders, or an open drawer for instance. The risk is the chance, high or low, that somebody could be harmed by these and other hazards, together with an indication of how serious the harm could be.
Risky play is more than activities that may, or may not, result in a child hurting themselves. It is not about hazards that must be eliminated in the name of health and safety. In fact, risk, whilst not referred to explicitly, is reflected in the ‘characteristics of effective learning;’ for example, playing and exploring is about ‘having a go, investigating and experiencing things’ – these are risky activities for a young child when every new experience is untested and the skills required have yet to be fully mastered. When children are playing they test their physical skills, rehearse ideas and set their own challenges.
Play, and in particular, risky play must belong to children. It helps them to dare to learn, to take considered chances and to make sense of their world. It should not be defined by adults whose main focus is health and safety. Where this is the case, the adults may inadvertently change the focus from risky play with its potential for meaningful active learning, to safe play where the outcomes are predetermined by the adults.
As children play they develop ‘risk perception’ which in turn builds confidence in their own abilities and gives them the essential skills they will need to stay safe in situations that may actually harm them. Unfortunately there are fewer and fewer opportunities for children to really test themselves – but more importantly to decide what risks to take and how to approach them.
Joining in
A group of children aged 24-30 months are playing in the sand tray. Yashvi is 28 months old and relatively new to the group. She has been watching the other children from a distance for some time, glancing over every now and again as she looks through a book in the book corner. Her key person Sam thinks that she wants to join in, so she decides to intervene. She takes Yashvi by the hand and leads her towards the sand tray. Yashvi is reluctant to go and pulls away from Sam, she retreats back to the book corner and continues to play on her own.
Something as simple as entering an unfamiliar social situation is a ‘risk’ for a young child and one that they will in time, and with practice, learn to manage. Yashvi has been observing the other children, absorbing and processing information about how they are playing, and undoubtedly beginning to develop a strategy in her mind for how she might join in. She will test such strategies many times as she develops her social skills, and will no doubt make many mistakes along the way that she can learn from. As her communication skills become more refined she will possibly ask to join in, she will learn to take turns and share, and to consider other ways in which she can engage her peers.
Why is risky play avoided?
We all have a responsibility to protect children and to keep them safe from harm. This sometimes requires us to make decisions on their behalf and, in some situations, stopping them from trying to do something when they are playing because we believe the risk of harm is too great. Children are vulnerable and unable to judge risk as they have not yet developed the cognitive ability required to apply past experience and knowledge to a situation and make an informed judgment about what may happen. However, they can only develop this experience and knowledge though risky play.
Trusting your child to the care of another person is a difficult decision to take. Parents have every right to expect that when their child is being cared for within an early years provision, they are at the very least safe from harm. Parental expectations are also greatly influenced by their experiences as children, which is a factor that influences their choice of childcare in the first place. Being risk averse may lead some parents to choosing a nursery that is sited in a fenced compound, equipped with a wealth of toddler sized plastic representations of real-life, which would keep their children ‘perfectly safe’, instead of a nursery that has a great outdoor ethos, perhaps with direct access to a beach or wood, or places an emphasis on children being able to use tools, therefore, naturally exciting and stimulating with numerous opportunities to learn and develop.
Practitioners need to consider whether they are discouraging or even disallowing children from taking risks. There is no argument with the fact that our role as adults is to keep children safe, but it is also our role to help children to keep themselves safe.
In any situation that involves risk, the child is the last line of defence. They have to learn to manage risk and this is what risky play enables them to do in a manner and at a pace that suits them best and is appropriate for them. For example, a child will often stand back and watch an older or more confident child climb the ladder to the big slide for weeks before attempting to do so themselves. This is a good example of a child identifying a new challenge, assessing the likelihood of harm but also taking into consideration the important ‘risk benefit’ which is the delight and thrill of sliding at speed down the other side of the ladder.
It is certainly the case that family leisure time is more likely to be structured with a visit to a site, theme park, play barn or other venue where all hazards have been removed and children are directed in how they use equipment to avoid any chance of harm occurring. So there are fewer real opportunities for children to really test themselves, but more importantly, to decide what risks to take and how to approach them.
Play is a process not a product
Play is dynamic, it constantly surprises and delights children as they test boundaries and revel in its endless possibilities. Play allows children to test their physical skills, to rehearse ideas and to set their own challenges. Play belongs to children, helping them to learn, to take risks and to make sense of the world around them.
If we consider the above statement, we see that play is not something we should structure for children. Play should belong to children and be on their terms. One of the many risks a baby takes is driven by their innate need to play, as they role to reach something that has caught their attention, as they take their first steps towards a toy despite falling down time and time again, probably with a bump and a few tears, as they move away from their trusted adult, their secure base for the first few times, because the need to play and to explore is so strong within them.
Why is risky play important?
Children need risk. It is an important part of their play; they will take risky decisions, actions and interactions with others, identify risky behaviour in others and will develop confidence through taking risks. If children’s environments do not offer sufficient risk and challenges, they will seek it out elsewhere. Trial, error, failure and success all contribute towards resilience, helping to ensure that children keep on trying and are willing to ‘have a go’, in other words, risky play and the characteristics of effective teaching and learning, go hand in hand.
Once children make a decision to take a risk in their play, they must evaluate their decision, and taking time to reflect on the outcome of their action is incredibly important. Thinking about what to do differently next time leads to strategic, thoughtful risk-taking in the future. Every time they go through the process they will strengthen their independent thinking skills.
By taking risks children start to develop age-appropriate strength, coordination and good body awareness. To constantly prevent children from taking risks will lead to some delays in sensory and motor development that may not have been an issue if they had been given daily exposure to these experiences. This can also lead to poor spatial awareness and, without an exposure to risk-taking, children can become more accident-prone and unsafe in the long run.
Reasonable risk-taking also allows children to develop the assertiveness and self-confidence they need to participate positively in social settings. Practice and more practice helps them to learn to balance assertiveness with respect and compassion. While voicing an opinion or thought is important in social circles, over time, children will recognise that peers may have alternative ideas to consider.
It also results in a willingness to make mistakes and learn from failure. For instance, a child grazes his knee climbing a rock, but in the process, learns that he can still reach the top. This assurance that a child can overcome obstacles translates to other risky-life decisions presented in childhood. It is important that children learn the excitement of success, the coping skills needed to handle failure and the perseverance to try and try again, even if it is uncomfortable and hard.
Pushing the boundaries
Jack (4 years old) is on a walk with four other children and their key persons Ellie and Raj. Along the edge of the Park is a shallow stream with a gently sloping bank on each side. The stream is no more than two feet wide in some places and up to five feet wide in others. Jack wants to jump across the stream but his key person Raj says ‘no’. Jack insists that he can do it and that he ‘really, really wants to’. Ellie turns to Raj and says, ‘let him have a go, what’s the worst that could happen?’ She turns to Jack and asks him how deep he thinks the stream is and does he think it will go over the top of his wellies?
Jack pauses and looks across the stream. ‘It is not deep’, he says, ‘I can see the bottom’. Ellie knows this is correct and tells him that he can ‘have a go then’. Jack walks along the edge of the stream for a while before deciding on a point that he thinks he can jump across. ‘Can you help me?’ he asks. Raj steps across the stream and holds out her hand to Jack who then jumps across the stream. After two more goes he says, ‘I can do it on my own now’. Jack continues to jump backwards and forwards across the stream, the other children soon join in with much laughing and squealing.
After several more minutes, Jack looks for more challenge by attempting to jump the stream at a wider point. He overstretches his self and slips down the bank, landing with one boot fully in the water. This scares him and he looks to Raj for reassurance, ‘your legs are not long enough yet for that jump’ says Raj, ‘come back to this bit, it’s narrower’. Raj helps Jack up and he stands with her for a few minutes before joining in with his friends again.
Jack and the other children have tested their physical limitations in a safe environment, there has been enough risk to thrill them but the consequences of failure have not caused harm.
Risky play opportunities
Children need to make risky decisions in their play –this is about independent thinking and self-reflection. Children demonstrate this from a very young age when they first let go of the edge of the sofa to reach for a toy, despite falling over many times, or when they first leave their carer’s side to join their peers at play. In time children learn to reflect on their decisions. Did the risk lead to success? What needs to be done differently next time? Each time a child goes through this process it strengthens their independent thinking skills. Practitioners must give children time to make their own decisions rather than assuming that they always know best.
Children will take risky actions in their play - when a group of children construct a bridge of wooden blocks and planks, the practitioner may see that it is unstable, and may intervene to prevent the children from attempting to stand on it. But the children will learn more if they are able to test it for themselves and experience the consequences first hand.
Children will have risky interactions with others during play – children often take risks while playing with others. It allows them to develop confidence among their peers. The risk itself might be to stand up to a child who wants to take their toy. Reasonable risk-taking allows children to develop the assertiveness and self-confidence they need to participate in the early years setting. Practice and more practice will help them to balance assertiveness with empathy, recognising that their peers may have other ideas and other needs.
Children will develop confidence through taking risks – every small success goes some way to compensating for the many failures that a child experiences when they are mastering a new skill. The first time a child climbs to the top of the ladder on the big slide will probably have been preceded by several failed attempts. The child may even stop trying for a while, until they feel physically and mentally ready to try again. Reasonable risk-taking in play results in a willingness to make mistakes and learn from failure. It’s vital that children learn the thrill and reward of success, the strategies they will need to manage failure and the perseverance to try and try again, even if it is difficult.
There is little doubt that when practitioners consistently prevent children from taking risks there are consequences that in themselves are a hazard to children’s development. By taking risks children develop age appropriate strength, coordination and body awareness. Without daily opportunities to engage in risky play children are likely to become more accident prone, they have less spatial awareness and are less likely to be able to fully engage the characteristics of effective learning.
Risk management and health and safety considerations will always be a priority, and are of course important. But when we begin to place risky play in the same context as risk management, we are in fact taking the focus away from the real health and safety hazards.
In summary
Understand what ‘risky play’ really is and stop seeing it as a health and safety issue.
Enable children to take acceptable risk when they play, knowing when to step back and when to step in.
Facilitate opportunities for children to make judgments for themselves.
Observe the learning that is happening and look for the risk benefit before stopping any activity.
Provide challenge and let children make mistakes.
In the event of fire alarm sounding
Manager/person in charge
List of the children’s emergency contact details attached to register
If safe to do so get the phone and keys
Checking all areas of the setting / toilets for children
Get the outing bag hanging by the door alongside the rings
Help support staff and children safely through fire exit to the garden
Help walk all children on rings to the emergency safety point in the car park.
Once everyone has met at the assembly point the manager / person in charge will check that all staff and children are safe and present by completing a register.
Management will speak with the Leisure Centre to see if it's a real fire drill and follow their guidance, when safe to re enter the Pre school
Management to lead children safely back to the setting.
Management to log fire drill
Incase of a real fire evacuation , Manager / person in charge will notify all parents of their child’s well-being and arrange for their child to be collected from Sainsburys car park.
Deputy/3rd in charge
To make sure to gather all Vulnerable children who do not understand instructions and direct staff to help
Must help guide staff and children to assemble in a calm manner to the nearest available fire exit, which is the garden fire exit This is the first exit that all staff and children should go to if it is safe to do so. All staff and children will meet in the
garden area until management has checked the building , and collected needed items.
Deputy must then do a quick head count whilst nursery manager / person in charge is checking the building
In a calm and quick manner management must then safely lead all the children to the
assembly point out the gate and up to the Leisure Centre fire assembly point in the car park.
On arrival to do another headcount before the Manager does the register.
While the manager/person in charge goes to investigate with the Leisure Centre in action, the Deputy/person in charge keeps children and staff calm.
Once guidance from management to head count before making the journey either back to preschool or to sainsburys.
Must help guide children to assemble in a calm manner to the nearest available fire exit, which is the garden fire exit.
Must listen to instruction to make sure our vulnerable children get guided.
Help reassure children
Stay calm !
Staffs are responsible for the following:
Manager / person in charge:
Checking all areas of the playrooms / toilets
List of the children’s contact details/register
Log the fire drill folder
Deputy/3rd in charge:
Vulnerable children
Guiding staff and children to fire exit
Head count
Oral health
The setting provides care for children and promotes health through promoting oral health and hygiene, encouraging healthy eating, healthy snacks and tooth brushing.
Fresh drinking water is available at all times and easily accessible.
Sugary drinks are not served.
In partnership with parents, babies are introduced to an open free-flowing cup at 6 months and from 12 months are discouraged from using a bottle.
Only water and milk are served with morning and afternoon snacks.
Children are offered healthy nutritious snacks with no added sugar.
Parents are discouraged from sending in confectionary as a snack or treat.
Staff follow the Infant & Toddler Forum’s Ten Steps for Healthy Toddlers.
Where children clean their teeth when at the setting
Children are encouraged to brush their teeth as part of the daily routine. Teeth should not be cleaned for at least one hour after a meal as this can cause loss of enamel.
Each child has their own toothbrush, which is stored individually to prevent accidental contact and cross contamination.
A small amount of toothpaste is put onto a blue paper towel before applying to the brush to prevent cross contamination.
Toothbrushes are cleaned at each session and sterilised weekly in Milton or similar disinfecting fluid.
Toothbrushes are changed every three months and provided by parents.
Oral hygiene activities are included in planning every three months when toothbrushes are changed.
The setting co-ordinates with local oral health and ensure procedures are reviewed regularly, additional guidance from the local team may be added to this procedure.
Parents are advised to stop using dummies/pacifiers once their child is 12 months old.
Dummies that are damaged are disposed of and parents are told that this has happened
Further guidance
Infant & Toddler Forum: Ten Steps for Healthy Toddlers www.infantandtoddlerforum.org/toddlers-to-preschool/healthy-eating/ten-steps-for-healthy-toddlers/
Promoting inclusion, equality and valuing diversity policy
Alongside associated procedures in 05.1 Promoting inclusion, equality and diversity, this policy was adopted by Shenley Church End Pre School on 02/02/2023.
All early years settings must consider and meet relevant employer and service provider duties as set out in the Equality Act (2010). Those in receipt of funding must eliminate discrimination including indirect, direct discrimination, discrimination and harassment based on association and perception and discrimination for reason relating to a disability or by failing to make a reasonable adjustment to any provision, criterion, or practice. This duty is anticipatory. Settings must advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations with individuals and groups with protected characteristics namely disability, race (ethnicity), religion and belief, sexual orientation, sex (gender), gender reassignment, age, pregnancy and maternity, marriage, and civil partnership.
Our provision actively promotes inclusion, equality of opportunity and the valuing of diversity.
We support the definition of inclusion as stated by the Early Childhood Forum:
‘Inclusion is the process of identifying, understanding and breaking down the barriers to participation and belonging.’
We interpret this as consisting of several tasks and processes in relation not only to children but also to parents and visitors in the setting. These tasks and processes include awareness and knowledge of relevant barriers to inclusion for those with a protected characteristic namely:
gender reassignment
pregnancy and maternity
religion or belief
sexual orientation
sex (gender)
marriage or civil partnership (in relation to employment)
This includes unlawful behaviour towards people with protected characteristics. Unlawful behaviour being direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, associative discrimination, discrimination by perception, harassment, and victimisation (in addition, we are aware of the inequality that users facing socio-economic disadvantaged may also encounter). We will not tolerate behaviour from an adult which demonstrates dislike and prejudice towards groups and individuals living outside the UK (xenophobia). This also applies to the same behaviour towards specific groups of people and individuals who are British Citizens residing in the UK.
We promote understanding of discrimination - through training and staff development - the causes and effects of discrimination on both adults and children and the long- term impact of discrimination; the need to protect children from discrimination and ensure that early years practice is both accessible and inclusive; the need for relevant support to allow children to develop into confident adults with a strong positive self-identity.
Developing practice that includes:
Developing an environment which reflects the ‘kaleidoscope’ of factors that can provide settings with a myriad of influences and ideas for exploring and celebrating difference.
Ensuring that barriers to inclusion are identified and removed or minimised wherever possible; for example, we complete 01.1b Access audit form.
Understanding, supporting and promoting the importance of identity for all children and recognising that this comprises multiple facets which are shaped by a ‘kaleidoscope’ of factors including British values, ‘race’\ethnicity and culture, gender, difference of ability, social class, language, religion and belief, and family form and lifestyle, which combine uniquely in the identity of each individual; for example, we welcome and promote bi/multi-lingualism and the use of alternative communication formats such as sign language, and we promote gender equality while at the same time recognising the differences in play preferences and developmental timetables of girls and boys.
Recognising that this ‘kaleidoscope’ also reflects negative images which may be internalised and negatively affect the development of self-concept, self-esteem, and confidence.
Promoting a welcoming atmosphere that genuinely appreciate British values, different cultural and personal perspectives, without stereotyping and prejudicing cultures and traditions on raising children, by always involving parents.
Promoting community cohesion and creating an environment that pre-empts acts of discrimination so that they do not arise.
Recruitment of staff to reflect cultural and language diversity, disabled staff, and staff of both genders.
Addressing discrimination as it occurs from children in a sensitive, age-appropriate manner to ensure that everyone involved understands the situation and are offered reassurance and support to achieve resolution.
Challenging discriminatory behaviour from parents, staff or outside agencies or individuals that affect the well-being of children and the early years community.
Creating an ethos within which staff work confidently within a culturally complex environment; learning when to change or adapt practice in the setting and having the confidence to challenge practice (including parental) that is not in the child’s best interest, seeking support and intervention from agencies where appropriate.
Ensuring that educators work closely with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator to make sure that the additional needs of all children are identified and met.
We are aware of anti-discriminatory legislation and able to use it to shape the service and support parents and children against discrimination in the local community, for example, against asylum seekers, the Travelling community and same sex parents.
We regularly monitor and review our practice including long-term preventative measures to ensure equality such as auditing of provision, formulating an equality plan, applying impact measurements and positive actions. In addition, short term measures such as recognition and assessment of children’s additional support needs (e.g. impairment, home language, family hardship, specific family beliefs and practices), day-to-day activities, provision of suitable support and resources, activity programme and curriculum., assessment, recognition of special educational needs and developing inclusive relationships.
Legal references
General Data Protection Regulation 2018
Children and Families Act 2014 Part 3
Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014
Disability Equality Duty 2011
Equality Act 2010
Prevent Strategy 2015
Further guidance
Guide to the Equality Act and Good Practice (Alliance 2015)
Early years practice policy
Alongside associated procedures in 09.1-09.15 Early years practice, this policy was adopted by Shenley Church End Pre School
Children are safe, happy, and eager to participate and to learn.
Babies and young children need to form a secure attachment to their key person when they join the setting to feel safe, happy and eager to participate and learn. It is their entitlement to be settled comfortably into a new environment.
The needs of part-time children are considered.
There is a procedure for when children do not settle and for prolonged absences.
Introductions and induction of the parent is carried out before children start.
Prime times of the day make the very best of routine opportunities to promote ‘tuning-in’ to the child emotionally and create opportunities for learning. We actively promote British values, inclusion, equality of opportunity and the valuing of diversity.
We operate a positive behaviour management approach. Behaviour management procedures cover how staff should respond to all aspects of behaviour, including children who exhibit challenging behaviour towards other children. These procedures build on the Early Years Alliance’s approach to learning based on three key statements.
Learning is a lifelong process, which enables children and adults to contribute to and shape their world.
We want the curriculum we provide to help children to learn to:
be confident and independent
be aware of and responsive to their feelings
make caring and thoughtful relationships with other people
become increasingly excited by, interested in, and knowledgeable and questioning about the world around them.
We provide a wide range of interesting child-chosen and adult-initiated activities which:
give children opportunities to use all their senses
help children of different ages and stages to play together
help children be the directors of their own learning
help children develop an inquiring and questioning attitude to the world around them
The Early Years Foundation Stage is used as a framework to provide care and learning opportunities for babies and children under two years.
Older Children (2-5 years)
To feel securely settled and ready to learn, children from two to five years need to form attachments with adults who care for them, primarily to a key person, but with other adults and children too. In this way children feel part of a community of learners; they can contribute to that community and receive from it. The three-stage model is applicable, but with some differences in the procedures for children moving up into the next group and for older children.
Waiting list and admissions
Our provision is accessible to children and families from all sections of the local and wider community. We aim to ensure that all sections of the community receive accessible information and that our admissions procedures are fair, clear, and open to all parents who apply for places. The availability of a place at the setting considers staff/child ratios, the age of the child and registration requirements.
We endeavour to operate in an inclusive manner which enables all children and families to access our services.
We also have regard for the needs of parents who are:
looking to take up work, remain in work or extend their hours of work
looking to commence training or education
We work in partnership with the local authority and other agencies to ensure that our provision is accessible to all sections of the community.
Services are widely advertised and information is accessible to all sections of the community.
Where the number of children wanting places exceeds the number of places available a waiting list is operated using clear criteria for allocation of places as detailed in section 09.1 Waiting list and admissions procedure.
Funded places – free entitlement
All 3- and 4-year-olds in England are entitled to 15 hours free childcare and early education each week for 38 weeks of the year. Some eligible two year olds are also entitled. Funded places are offered in accordance with national and local codes of practice and adherence to the relevant Provider Agreement/Contract with the local authority.
Legal References
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (DfE and DHSC 2014)
Equality Act 2010
Childcare Act 2006