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Term Dates


Mon - Fri

Morning Session: 8:45am - 11:45am.  

Afternoon session: 12:15pm - 3:15pm
There will no longer be a lunchtime in the afternoon session so children should eat their lunch at home if attending just for the afternoon session. This will alleviate a lot of work/stress for staff.

All Day session: 8:45am - 2:

This session is only available to children with government funding.

Children attending this session can have their funded 30 hours split to attend the MORNING SESSIONs and AFTERNOON SESSIONs and pay to attend the LUNCH CLUB (see below) thus extending their day at pre-school to finish at 3:15pm.

Extra sessions (additional charge):
Early Club: 8:30 - 8:45 am

Lunch Club: 11:45am - 12:15 pm
for children who wish to attend for slightly longer than the normal 3 hour session. This session can be booked after a MORNING SESSION, before an AFTERNOON SESSION or ‘in the middle’ of an ALL DAY SESSION to extend the time spent at pre-school. Food/drink for lunch must be provided by parents/carers. This session must be pre-booked.

Late Club: 3:15 - 3:30

Below are our term dates for the school year 2022 - 2023.

Autumn term 2022 : Monday 5th September - Friday 21st October,  Tuesday 1st November - Friday 16th December

Spring term 2023: Wednesday 4th January - Friday 10th February,  Monday 20th February - Friday 31st March

Summer term 2023: Monday 17th April - Friday 26th May,   Tuesday 6th June - Friday 21st July

Bank Holidays: Monday 1st May (Early may Bank holiday) & Monday 8th May (Coronation)
INSET days (Pre-School closed) on Thursday 1st September 2022, Friday 2nd September 2022, Monday 31st October 2022,

Tuesday 3rd January 2023 and Monday 5th June 2023.

Below are our term dates for the school year 2023 - 2024.

Autumn term 2023 : Tuesday 5th September - Friday 20th October,  Monday 30th October - Friday 21st December

Spring term 2023: Monday 8th January - Friday 16th February,  Monday 26th February - Thursday 28th March

Summer term 2023: Monday 15th April - Thursday 23rd May,   Monday 3rd June - Friday 19th July

Bank Holidays: Monday 1st May (Early may Bank holiday)

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