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Our Curriculum 

Well Being 

  • Where our children's health is promoted by:

  • Respect when relating to themselves and others 

  • Keeping themselves healthy and caring for themselves

  • Confidence independence and a positive attitude towards self help,and self-care skills relating to food preparation, healthy eating and drinking, hygiene, toileting, resting, sleeping, washing and dressing 

  • An awareness of  healthy lifestyles 

  • understanding of their bodies and how they function and how to keep themselves healthy 

Managing themselves and expressing their feelings and needs by:

  • A sense of personal worth and cultural identity  

  •  the ability to make choices, focus attention, maintain concentration, and being involved 

  • An ability to express emotional needs and ask for attention and to trust their needs will be met through verbal or gesture 

  • Capacity for tolerating and enjoying a moderate degree of change, surprise, uncertainty and puzzlement 

  • Capacity of self-regulation and resilience in the face of challenges 

  • knowledge about how to keep themselves safe from harm and the ability to take risks 

  • A sense of responsibility on taking risk assessments in their play 

  • A sense of responsibility for their own well-being and of others 

  • Respect for Shenley church and pre-school rules about not harming others in the environment and understanding of the reasons of the rules 

That they are kept safe from harm

Keeping themselves and others safe from harm by:

  • knowledge about how to keep themselves safe from harm and the ability to take risks

  • A sense of responsibility on taking risk assessments in their play

  • A sense of responsibility for their own well-being and of others

  • Respect for Shenley church and pre-school rules about not harming others in the environment and understanding of the reasons of the rules

  • For our children to develop non-verbal communication skills for a range of purposes giving them the ability to express their feelings and emotions in a range of appropriate non-verbal requests to others

  • Use of responsive and reciprocal skills such as turn taking

  • Use of large vocabulary and complex scene tax awareness of sounds in words rhythm and rhyme

  • recognition of some letters and print concepts and interest in storytelling in one or more languages and in reading

  • Confidence that their first language is valued and increasing ability in the use of at least one

  • For our children to develop verbal communication skills for a range of purposes, Understanding oral language and using it for a range of purposes

  • recognising print symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose

  • Familiarity with an enjoyment of stories and literature valued by the cultures represented in the community

  • Recognising mathematical symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment meaning and purpose

  • recognition that numbers can amuse delight, comfort, illuminate, inform and excite

  • Expressing their feelings and ideas using a wide range of materials on modes

  • skills and confidence with art and craft processes such as cutting drawing collage painting printmaking weaving stitching, constructing

  • For our children to discover different ways to be creative and expressive

  • ability to be creative and expressive through a variety of activities such as visual arts, activities, imaginative play, storytelling, drama and making music

  • Understanding and familiarity with music song dance drama and art from a range of cultures an recognition that these resources delight comfort, illuminates inform and excite and that they may suit cultural occasions

  • Recognising and appreciating their own ability to learn

  • awareness of their own special strength and confidence that these are Recognised and valued

  • Social skills and the ability to take responsibility for fairness in their interaction with others

  • Strategies for resolving conflicts in a peaceful way and an awareness of cultural values and

  • expectations

  • Our children are equitable to opportunities for learning irrespective of gender ability age ethnicity or background

  • Treating others fairly and including them in play

  • Expect for others the ability to identify and accept another point of view an acceptance of ease of interaction with children of other genders capabilities and ethnic groups

  • confidence that their family background is viewed positively in the pre-school setting

  • Our children are equitable to opportunities for learning irrespective of gender ability age ethnicity or background

  • Our children are affirmed as individuals

  • Confidence to stand up for themselves and others against biassed ideas and discriminatory behaviour

  • A positive learner identity and realistic perception of themselves as being able to acquire new interest and capabilities

  • Their play is valued as a meaningful learning and the importance of spontaneous play is recognised

  • Playing, imagining, inventing and experimenting

  • The ability to cope with uncertainty imagine alternatives make decisions choose materials and devise their own problems

  • A understanding that trying things out exploring, playing with ideas and materials and collaborating with others are important and valued ways of learning

  • Confidence in play and a repertoire of symbolic imaginative or dramatic play routines

  • Ability to pursue an interest or a project for a sustained period of time 

  • Our children will gain confidence and control of their own bodies

  • Moving confidently and challenging themselves physically

  • Confidence in exploring puzzling over and making sense of the world such as strategies as setting and solving problems, looking for patterns, classifying, guessing, using trial and error, observing, planning, comparing, explaining, engaging in reflective discussion and listening to stories

  • Curiosity about the world and the ability to share interests with others

  • use of all the senses and physical abilities to make sense of the world

  • Control over their bodies including locomotor and movement skills agility and balance and the ability to use their body coordination and to gain confidence to use their bodies to take risks and physical challenges

  • Our children will learn strategies for active exploration thinking and reasoning

  • Using a range of strategies for reasoning and problem solving

  • Recognition of different domains of knowledge and how they relate to understanding people, places, and things

  • A sense of responsibility for the living world and knowledge about how to care for it

  • Our children will develop working theories for making

  • Making sense of their worlds by generating and refining

  • Ability to represent discoveries using creative and expressive media including digital media

  • curiosity and the ability to inquire into research explore generate and modify working theories about the natural social physical spiritual and human made worlds

  • A sense of responsibility and respect for the needs and well-being of our peers in the pre-school including the ability to take responsibility for group decisions

  • Awareness of the ways in which they can make contributions to groups and group well-being

  • For children and staff and parents to connect links with the family and the wider world and affirmed an extended

  • Making Connections between people places and things in their world

  • An ability to connect their learning in Shenley Church End pre-school with experiences from home and in familiar cultural communities and a sense of themselves

  • Showing an interest and pleasure in learning about the wider unfamiliar world

  • That our children will know the limits and boundaries of acceptable behaviour

  • showing respect for our adults, friends, rules and the rights of others

  • Predictability and consistency in their behaviour towards and responding to others

  • understanding of the reasons for rules about acceptable behaviour

  • the understanding of Shenley Church Ends rules 

  • That our children feel comfortable with the routine's customs and regular events within the setting

  • understanding how things work and adapting to change

  • Skills in caring for the environment such as cleaning fixing and gardening

  • ability to help others with self-care skills

  • ability to anticipate routines customs and regular events

  • to know what acceptable and valued behaviour is

  • That our children know that they have a place

  • taking part in caring for their place, environment, and resources

  • An ability to play an active part in the setting taking on different roles and responsibilities for their own actions

  • feeling of belonging and they have a right to belong

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